Saturday, July 30, 2016

Black Rock Road Fire

We were called out to the Black Road Road Fire in Odessa. Smoke from the fire could be seen from Spokane before we left. The firefighting objectives were to maintain safety of the public and the firefighting personnel, keep the fire footprint as small as possible, maintain good working relationships across the agencies and contractors and avoid damage to BLM cultural sites. We had the opportunity to meet many of the contractors dispatched with us out of NES (Colville, Region 6).

The management team noted that Canyon Fire demonstrated excellent work ethic and initiative in the absence of orders. We are blessed to have such a knowledgable Engine Boss, Gary, who retired from the U.S. Forest Service.
Hannah and Kayla get 'er done

This was a great opportunity to get out a provide a great service to the government and tribal agencies involved.

Stay Safe,